Security Courses Essentials of Emotional IntelligenceABC of Body LanguageIndustrial Security AwarenessSecurity and Safety (A two sided Coin)Evolution Contemporary Intelligence and Counter IntelligenceIntelligence Gathering (The Humint Experience)Security Risk AssessmentCrime Prevention through Environmental DesignInvestigation Specialization (Detecting Deception and Lies)Terrorist TacticsOrganized CrimeProfilingImagery/Geospatial IntelligenceEspionage and Intelligence GatheringEstimative Intelligence Analysis and EpistemologyForensic InvestigationBasic Investigation CourseCrisis Management StrategiesDisaster Management Specialization (A contemporary perspective) Course Registration FormPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Surname *Your surname.Other Names *Other names.Contact Address *Your house address.Email *Your working email address.Phone Number *Your active phone number. Whatsapp number also.Desired Course/TrainingName of the course you want to learnMode of Training *ClaasroomCorporateOnlineIndividualWhere will you like your training to take place?NameSubmit